Snooping near Snoopy — Take a Deep Breath (GC4M0KY) — Geocache of the Week
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Why this is the Geocache of the Week:
A great gadget cache is tough to build. First, you have to come up with a clever idea. Then you have to plan, buy supplies and actually put them together—not to mention troubleshoot if there are problems. This geocache goes a step further by not only being a clever puzzle, but also a piece of art. The geocache owner placed this geocache on his own property and says that the neighbors just think it’s a neat decoration, but geocachers come from far and wide to make this find and award another Favorite Point.
What the geocache owner, Doctor Dolittle, has to say:
“It’s relaxing for me to putz around in the garage with wood and tools. I had in mind creating a cache theme matching the veterinary clinic location. Also, I hoped to create a puzzle that was intuitive, would make people laugh but wasn’t too difficult. Snoopy and Woodstock have always been favorites of mine, but it took a year for them to pop into my head….Creating it took 24 man hours and $80 in material costs. The gracious logs and favorite points make my effort, time and cost worth while.
“Do you want more great hides in your area? You can make it happen by doing two simple things:
1) Use your favorite points! I have met many Geocachers who hoard them, give them out only rarely or say they don’t use them because they don’t believe in them. That just doesn’t make any sense. They don’t cost anything but two clicks of a mouse.
2) Take the time to write a good log on a quality cache. TFTC is not acceptable unless it’s a sign, light post or a guard rail Geocache. Write a gracious originally written log even it’s only two sentences long. If you enjoy writing, please feel free to expound! Some people use creativity or unique details in their logs to make them fun for others to read. Those are the best!
“These things will positively reinforce the best hiders in your area to continue hiding for you. Good hides require time, effort and expense. Favorite points and writing good logs cost you nothing, but give so much gratification to your hiders. Lastly, when you see them at social events go out of your way to tell them about a cache hide they created that you really enjoyed!”
What geocachers are saying:
“This is another example of just how creative geocachers can be. Thanks so much Dr. D for this very fun cache. Another favorite point coming your way.” – wisjanine
“Glad to have finally solved the puzzle and retrieve the log. We met lots of travel bugs visiting Snoopy’s house today, looks like a cozy place to stay! Thanks for putting the extra effort on this cache for others to enjoy, very well done.” – SparkSeeker
“Wow….. Awesome. . Never seen anything like this. Thanks so much for the great adventure.” – Lindave
What was the last geocache you gave a Favorite Point and why? Tell us and post photos in the comments.
Continue to explore some of the most engaging geocaches around the globe. Check out all the Geocaches of the Week on the Geocaching blog. If you would like to nominate a Geocache of the Week, just fill out this form. Thanks!