Dear Geocaching Diary: 31 Days of Adventure with Geocaching HQ



Dear Geocaching Diary,

This has been one exciting week at Geocaching HQ! Last week we accepted the 31 Days of Geocaching challenge. We vowed to find at least one geocache every day in August. And guess what…Our streak is still alive! Here is a photo recap of the first week of our 31 Days of Geocaching.

Day 1: Geocaching HQ staff came up with a creative solution for this tricky high hide. Business Development Coordinator Katie Barker (Username: Katie-B) says, “It’s going to be hard to top the first find! Nothing like building a human pyramid with your co-workers to start the 31-day streak off!”


Day 2: Rain could not stop us from seeking out this totally ingenious geocache. Office Manager Maria McDonald (Username: AKprincesswarrior) jumps high to celebrate our second find.


Day 3: We may have had to go our separate ways over the weekend, but that didn’t stop us from getting down and dirty. Like Wesley and Princess Buttercup, Volunteer Support Specialist Cindy Potter (Username: Frau Potter) and her family survived the Fire Swamp to log 03 of 31. Cindy says, “We escaped before being eaten by the Rodents of Unusual Size.”

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Day 4: The danger didn’t stop there. Founder Jeremy Irish (Username: Jeremy) and Marketing Director Michelle Broderick (Username: Michelleb108) tackled graveyard caches and white water rafting to grab 04 of 31. Inconceivable!

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Day 5: Geocaching takes the dynamic duo Community Support Specialist Cathy Hornback (Username: Prying Pandora) and Community Relations Engineering Liaison Jon Stanley (Username: Moun10Bike) to an instrument out of place. Moun10Bike is clearly a geocacher of many talents.

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Day 6: Tuesday was double sweet for Community Manager Jayme Hewitt (Username: banandjayme). She says: “The taste of GOLD, baby! 100 WA State Park caches on the GeoTour have been signed by benandjayme. We invited Ranger Tina to celebrate with us. Bam!”

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Stay tuned for more adventures from Geocaching HQ. What are your favorite tales from the 30 Days of Geocaching trail? Tell us about them in the comments below.

Click for a printable version of the 31 Days of Geocaching Calendar
Click the image for a printable version of the 31 Days of Geocaching Calendar
When I'm outside I'm happy. Besides geocaching I love gardening, hiking, cooking and spending time with my wonderful two and four legged friends. Got eight legs? Sorry, but please stay far away from me!